Media Ministry
Media Ministry
Communication facilities are rapidly improving in the world. Making strategic use of the various media helps us to accomplish much for God’s Kingdom. Prayer calendars, News Bulletins etc. help the partners of Daya mission to remain informed about the developments and challenges in mission. Website is also a means to update the prayer partners with live stories from the field.
Film ministry
To accomplish the goal of evangelisation, we believe God has called Daya mission to focus on one particular ministry — to provide portable film equipment for the presentation of the gospel message to native missionaries. The missionaries travel to villages and towns regularly presenting the gospel through film-shows. They work with any evangelical churches and organizations to win the lost and establish new fellowships. We make regular trips into the hill and tribal areas to show Gospel videos. Some of these villages are in very remote areas and accessible only by travel on foot. Whole villages may turn out to watch video presentations of gospel-related movies. Daya mission is committed to helping any Christian person or organization with a desire to win souls to the Lord Jesus Christ. People we will help can best be described as those who agree with the following doctrinal statement.